First and foremost, Christian Hunters of America is a fellowship. Christian Hunters of America is 501(c)3 non-profit and a non-denominational bible-centered hunting organization that was founded in 2001. Our primary mission is to serve based on ministry, seminars, hunts and mentoring.
Friday Aug 11, 2023
Ep. #52 Coyote Hunting with Wayne from PVCI
Friday Aug 11, 2023
Friday Aug 11, 2023
In this epsiode we spoke with Wayne Wilson from the Phoenix Varmint Callers Inc. Wayne is a past president of PVCI and has decades of knowledge to share when it comes to hunting Mr. Wile E. Coyote and other varmints.
Wayne shares his advice on calling, setups, scouting and lots of other tips on how to be successful when hunting coyotes, foxes, and bobcats.
Here is a little background on the group PVCI.
The PVCI has a rich history, and being a varmint caller means a lot to many individuals. During the past 30 years, the membership has swelled to over 300 and shrunk to less than 15. The club seems to represent more than just a forum where individuals with similar interest can meet. Members of the PVCI are among the most sincere, dedicated sportsmen to be found in any organization. Many have welded lifelong friendships with fellow members. Through the years PVCI has been the catalyst providing the enthusiasm for the outdoor writers, animal biologist, photographers, wildlife managers and qualified Game and Fish commission candidates. But most important of all, through sharing skills and techniques it has allowed us to excel in a unique sport virtually unequaled for action, excitement, and self-satisfaction
Tuesday Jul 25, 2023
Ep. #51 AZ Backcountry Llamas with Chris Dunn
Tuesday Jul 25, 2023
Tuesday Jul 25, 2023
In this episode we had the pleasure of speaking with Chris Dunn. He and his wife Janice, have spent years in the backcountry exploring and camping. They have been involved in the llama business for over 25 years.
Chris is retired now but has spent decades as an avid outdoorsman, fisherman and hunter. The llamas are a game changer and force multiplier when taking heavy loads into the backcountry. Chris and Janice have utilized the pack llamas for guided hunts as well as taking families and small groups on extended camping trips.
If you'd like to get in touch with Janice or Chris please reach out to them at
Monday Jun 05, 2023
Ep. #50 Grayboe Rifle Stocks with Ryan McMillan
Monday Jun 05, 2023
Monday Jun 05, 2023
We had the privilege to sit and speak with Ryan McMillan from Grayboe Stocks. Ryan is a 3rd generation Rifle stock manufacturer and developed Grayboe to be lightweight, affordable and accurate. He is a Military Veteran and honorably served as a Navy SEAL. Most of us can only dream of what it takes to be a part of an elite Military Special Operation Team but Ryan lived it. He shares some great insight about training, foreign deployments and used those experiences and never quit mindset which helped him tremendously in the business world that he works in now. Even with his many adventures, experiences, and business success he's still a humble man but very driven and a man of God.
He has recently coined the term, "The People's Riflestock". The People’s Riflestock is more than a slogan, this represents our core values, and an idea, a promise that people come first. We are just like you. Blue-collar, calloused hands, hard-working Americans. We are cut from the same cloth, Old Glory.
We hope you learn about Grayboe, gain some insight and are motivated to tackle any obstacle that may put in your way.
Friday May 05, 2023
Ep. #49 Turkey Hunting with Howard
Friday May 05, 2023
Friday May 05, 2023
We get to learn from our very own board member Mr. Howard Frampton, about hunting Turkeys in the springtime here in AZ. Most of the Turkey hunts in AZ revolve around Merriam's but we do have small pockets of Rio Grandes in northeast AZ as well as the coveted Goulds in southern AZ.
Howard will share lots of tips, tricks and techniques to make you a more effective turkey hunter. We hope you all have lots of fun and success in the woods hearing those gobbles !!
Friday Apr 07, 2023
Ep. #48 Archery in the Off Season
Friday Apr 07, 2023
Friday Apr 07, 2023
In this episode we got to sit down with our friend Grady Schneider again and speak about archery in the off season.
Grady instills us with his knowledge on bow tuning, practice techniques and tips to stay proficient during the off season. The spring and summer are a great time to practice and try new techniques before the fall hunting season starts again.
Follow along and we hope you learn and try something new to hone your archery skills before your next big hunt!